Tree project - Micro and Project-based learning for Teaching ciRcular Economy and Ecological awareness in VET schools erasmus

Dissemination Report of Erasmus+ project Tree project - Micro and Project-based learning for Teaching ciRcular Economy and Ecological awareness in VET schools

Public Institution “eMundus”


Local (within institution or participants from the same city)

Conference / Seminar / Fair



Universities, Students, Teachers, Experts


Erasmus+ project "COSY THINKING: ENHANCING HIGHER EDUCATION ON COMPLEX SYSTEMS THINKING FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT" seminar was an opportunity to show to attendess COSY THINKING project online recourses and explain more in detail organization of project activities with involved target groups achieving planned results and to discuss the ways of monitoring project impact.

Project's information were shared through a PowerPoint presentation, which was subsequently shared with all partners. They all learned about project's objectives, target groups, results and website.
