Tree project - Micro and Project-based learning for Teaching ciRcular Economy and Ecological awareness in VET schools erasmus

Dissemination Report of Erasmus+ project Tree project - Micro and Project-based learning for Teaching ciRcular Economy and Ecological awareness in VET schools

Public Institution “eMundus”


Transnational (participants from different countries)

Post message on website, Facebook, etc.

Online (website, Facebook, etc.)

Online (website, Facebook, etc.)

Adult educators, adult learners, VET centres, teachers, non-formal educational institution, learners


The Methodological material of TREE project has been published on the EPALE platform and it is available as a didactic resource and the news was shared also on "Facebook" and "LinkedIn" project pages.

Teachers, learners and educators can read all the main info about the TREE project and its methodological material, as well as download it and visit the project website.

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