Zinev Art Technologies
Transnational (participants from different countries)
Workshop / Trainings
Online (website, Facebook, etc.)
Online (website, Facebook, etc.)
General Public, Association, Public Bodies, Training Agencies, Enterprises, Universities, Schools, Students, Teachers, Researchers, Experts
The worldwide OER movement is rooted in the human right to access high-quality education. This shift in educational practice is not just about cost savings and easy access to openly licensed content; it’s about participation and co-creation. Open Educational Resources (OER) offer opportunities for systemic change in teaching and learning content through engaging educators in new participatory processes and effective technologies for engaging with learning.
In 2007, ISKME launched OER Commons, its digital public library and collaboration platform, informed by the organization's pioneering efforts in knowledge management and educational innovation. OER Commons offers a comprehensive infrastructure for curriculum experts and instructors at all levels to identify high-quality OER and collaborate around their adaptation, evaluation, and use to address the needs of teachers and learners. Diving into OER Commons is an exciting opportunity to collaborate with other educators and learners, at the forefront of a new educational era.