Inclusive creativity through educational artmaking (InCrea+) erasmus

Dissemination Report of Erasmus+ project Inclusive creativity through educational artmaking (InCrea+)

Fundatia EuroEd, Romania


National (participants from different cities)

Informative Mailing / Newsletter


Mailing - partnership CCS, General, Schools

General Public, Association, Schools, Teachers, Expertscreative specialists


Sent emails to promote the project, in order to sign associated partner letters and to complete the questionnaires, between 11-21 May 2021

80 emails sent, with a short project presentation and impact for the institution, every email had attached the website link, facebook page, brochure, the project info, the project logo and associated partner letter for every category of partner involved (general, school, CCS) COMPLETE THE QUESTIONNAIRE INVITATION - 16 SCHOOL ASSOCIATE PARTNER - 19 GENERAL ASSOCIATE PARTNER - 17 CSS ASOCIATE PARTNER - 15

Emails Dissemination InCrea+.docx